"I find that Waterborne always does the right thing because it's the right thing to do."
Julie Eble, Waterborne client and partner, since 1994

May 2023 marks Waterborne's 30th Anniversary! What began as a small firm working with Agricultural clients has grown into a global environmental force known for its innovative science and unbiased results. We are proud of our journey and where we are today! We hope you will enjoy our walk through history, below.

Waterborne History
Messages From Our CEO, Clients, & Founders
Waterborne's brand evolution
Waterborne Voices

Waterborne, a History

Waterborne was established by Patrick (Pat) W. Holden and W. Martin (Marty) Williams in 1993 with the vision to provide superior consulting services in the areas of environmental science and water resources management,  The company has grown significantly from its original size and boasts a stable staff of highly experienced scientists and engineers...

Learn more about our History
Founder's Story: Pat Holden

Waterborne's Marketing

Our brand has evolved over 30 years

From logos to websites

Waterborne's marketing and branding have evolved over the years. What began as a small firm focused on Agricultural clients has evolved into a global brand servicing a wide range of industries. Our brand's evolution reflects our changing clients and markets.

Waterborne Websites Through the Years

Waterborne's online presence has come a long way since we launched our original website in 2000! Our current website reflects our full service line that addresses client needs within a wide variety of industries, globally.

    Waterborne Logos Through the Years

    While Waterborne's logo has remained similar since it's beginning with it's recognizable "W" anchoring the name, we've updated our color scheme to better reflect our work: water!

      Waterborne's The Current Newletter

      Waterborne's newsletter, The Current, has evolved from a paper communication to the digital version we use today. We've moved from a quarterly publication to a monthly news outreach.

        Waterborne Voices


        A Bit More About Our Approach

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