
Modeling pesticide concentrations in Japanese paddy fields using the RICEWQ model

Modeling pesticide concentrations in Japanese paddy fields using the RICEWQ modelOctober 14, 2024 | all blog | Marta Colombo a b, Julien Boulange a, W. Martin Williams c, Hirozumi Watanabe a Co-authored by Waterborne’s co-founder, W. Martin Williams  >>  Read the paper here. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 954, 1 December 2024,…


National Characterization of Pesticide Runoff and Erosion Potential to Put USEPA Standard Ecological Scenarios In Context for Pyrethroids

National Characterization of Pesticide Runoff and Erosion Potential to Put USEPA Standard Ecological Scenarios In Context for PyrethroidsJuly 18, 2022 |  By: Amy RitterDownload NowDecision-making for pesticide registration by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) relies upon crop-specific scenarios in…


Modeling Realistic Habitat and Pesticide Exposures to Evaluate Potential Effects and Mitigation for Populations of an Endangered Fish Species

Population models can provide useful tools to assess potential exposure to, and effects from, pesticides – as well as evaluate mitigation options – on listed species by bridging the gap between laboratory endpoints derived from surrogate species and populations in…


Evaluation of Environmental Stressors to Coral in the Florida Keys

Coral decline has been observed worldwide including to reefs in Florida. Several global and local stressors have been implicated as contributors to the decline of coral populations The most pervasive and deleterious stressor is the global event of rising atmospheric…


Development of a Surface- and Groundwater Modeling Risk Assessment Tool for Predicting Exposure From Pesticides Used in Major Crops In Norway

The risk assessment tool WISPE (The World Integrated System for Pesticide Exposure) was developed which includes the environmental fate and transport models winPRZM and EXAMS. WISPE is a computer modelling tool developed to evaluate the potential impact of crop protection…