Staying Up-to-Date on ECOTOX
On February 7, 2023, the US EPA held a live, two-part webinar series as a forum for training on the ECOTOX knowledgebase. Waterborne’s Lead Ecotoxicologist, Jenn Collins, attended the virtual training to stay appraised on recent regulatory developments with this tool. The ECOTOX knowledgebase is an expansive, comprehensive database of environmental toxicity data for both aquatic and terrestrial species.
This year’s training was a great way to brush up on the Agency tool, which we frequently use to inform or expand upon chemical hazard characterization. The webinar included a detailed review of the database and the methods by which endpoints are sourced. Exclusion and quality criteria were also covered, as well as details on available fields, and best-practice search recommendations. The break-out session allowed small groups to dive into specific case studies, which enhanced and drove home the concepts of the training.
While the ECOTOX knowledgebase has been an available tool for some time now, there is a recent focus on New Approach Methodologies (NAM), to characterize hazard or risk without the use of animal testing. With this important push into the future of ecotoxicological research, the ECOTOX database is certainly expected to be a primary resource. We will keep our finger on the pulse of the Agency’s NAM resources, including ECOTOX, and incorporate into our client’s objectives wherever possible and appropriate.