Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
SETAC North America 45th Annual Meeting
October 20th-24th, Fort Worth, Texas
Join Waterborne Environmental at the upcoming SETAC conference on October 20th-24th in Fort Worth, Texas! Our Waterborne experts will deliver oral presentations and present posters (abstracts below), and meet with colleagues within the industry. If you'd like to set up a meeting, please contact Waterborne's SETAC lead, Nathan Snyder, at
October 22 (Tuesday) Exhibit Hall – Fort Worth Convention Center
1.20.P-Tu-078 - Assessing Surrogacy Options in Lepidoptera via Trait-Based Analyses
Paul Glaum1, Eric Peterson2, Maura Roberts1, Nathan Snyder1, Sarah Terrell1 and Maxime Vaugeois3, (1)Waterborne Environmental, Inc., (2)Syngenta Crop Protection, United Kingdom, (3)Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC
Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), an Ecological risk assessment (ERA) must be conducted for species designated as listed (threatened and endangered) for the registration of a chemical compound. However, laboratory experiments required to describe organismal response to chemical exposure are not possible with listed species, thereby limiting the development of critical ecotoxicological data. Surrogate species can be used in lieu of listed species in laboratory work, but this raises the important question of how to best choose surrogate species. Our project aims to develop methodologies to identify potential surrogacy options for listed Lepidopteran species based on large, multi-faceted trait datasets. To that end, we collated multiple global, continental, and national published datasets covering physiological, life-history, geographic, ecological, and evolutionary information for thousands of Lepidopteran species and integrated them into a centralized accessible database. With aid from representatives from USFWS, USGS, and academia, we identified the most descriptive and immediately operational trait variables to serve as inputs in multiple unsupervised learning algorithms aimed at clustering species based on our collated trait dataset. Results presented here detail how potential surrogate options are chosen and the unique benefits offered by different clustering algorithms, such as higher interpretability in k-means clustering vs increased flexibility of hierarchical clustering. Overall, our results indicate that comprehensive trait data across species can facilitate the search and development of surrogacy options.
October 22 (Tuesday) Exhibit Hall – Fort Worth Convention Center
Paul Glaum1, Chiara Accolla1, Alan Samel2, Nathan Snyder1 and Paul Whatling3, (1)Waterborne Environmental, Inc., (2)Global Regulatory Sciences, FMC Corporation, (3)FMC Corporation
The development and implementation of mechanistic ecological population models are an increasingly important component in efforts to understand and manage risk, especially with endangered species. Mechanistic population models can integrate the most current relevant data at the organismal level to forecast population dynamics under a wide variety of exposure conditions and realistic scenarios. This provides a particularly unique utility when considering indirect effects of environmental exposure at population levels far outside the ‘in vivo’ scope of laboratory experiments. An important example of this involves indirect effects on listed species via trophic links to directly affected prey organisms. The modeling platform developed here can provide forecasts of the population-level consequences on different benthic and pelagic freshwater fish species experiencing exposure-based dietary limitations. The capabilities of the model are demonstrated by presenting a modeling study of the indirect effects of an applied chemical on populations of small freshwater fish species via induced reductions of the insects in their diets. The model is a matrix model, structured for flexible integration of empirical data to inform, among other traits, biologically realistic bounds on species life history, dietary options, weight/fecundity relationships, and exposure scenarios. This assessment shows how differences in these traits manifest into different outlooks for indirect population exposure to a range of concentrations and the types of actionable inference that can follow.
October 24 (Thursday) Exhibit Hall – Fort Worth Convention Center
Jennifer Trask1, Zechariah Stone2, Sarah Terrell2, Natalie Walk3, Nathan Snyder2, Sarah E Crawford4, Richard Brain5 and Mark White6, (1)Waterborne Environmental Inc., Leesburg, United States, (2)Waterborne Environmental, Inc., (3)Field Programs - Environmental Assessment, Waterborne Environmental, Inc., (4)Syngenta, Canada, (5)Syngenta Crop Protection LLC, (6)Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC
The United States (US) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required monitoring of a finite number of lotic headwater streams within watersheds highly susceptible to runoff as part of the 2003 reregistration review of atrazine. The purpose of the program was to monitor concentrations during seasonal runoff patterns relative to a conservative aquatic level of concern (LOC) defined by the sensitivity of aquatic plant communities to atrazine exposure. Designing a study to capture concentrations at both low and high stream flow, including peak periods, and combining this with a collection of key environmental data was necessary to enable a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the mechanics and patterns of atrazine transport.
Today, the Atrazine Ecological Monitoring Program (AEMP) continues after two decades of watershed monitoring. The study collects daily (or near daily) atrazine concentrations alongside high resolution environmental data at stream headwaters within watersheds classified among the upper 20th centile of vulnerability according to the USGS Watershed Regressions For Pesticides Model (WARP). While the program has been conducted in several phases, in total, monitoring has occurred at 77 sites across 13 states for a minimum of two years. Sampling locations were identified on 1st to 3rd order streams at the outlets of watersheds and were equipped with an integrated real-time data delivery system of weather stations, automatic samplers, stream stage measurement stations, and water quality sondes. Early program designs required four-day grab samples coupled with event-based sample collection. As the program matured, the expansion to daily composite sampling was supported through multiple Science Advisory Panels and the desire to support regulatory water model calibration to further refine, characterize, and contextualize potential ecological risks. Many sites have been waived from monitoring over the years for various reasons by EPA and as a result nine sites remain in the program. The presentation will discuss experiences, learnings, and recommendations.
Oral Presentations
October 22 (Tuesday) at 11:40 am Room 203 A - Fort Worth Convention Center
Chiara Accolla1, Paul Glaum1, Nika Galic2 and Maxime Vaugeois3, (1)Waterborne Environmental, Inc., (2)Syngenta AG, Switzerland, (3)Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC
Mechanistic effect models are valuable and relevant tools that can help overcome some major challenges in ecological risk assessment (ERA), such as extrapolation across scales of biological organization, chemicals, and species challenges. In particular, models can extrapolate data generated from standard test species and consider those characteristics, like life-history traits, that could influence the susceptibility of the exposed populations of listed species.
In this study, we built on the existing literature and developed an agent-based model (ABM) for fathead minnow (FHM) to be used as a standard model for diverse ERA purposes. FHM is the most widely used small fish for different regulatory applications in ecotoxicology in North America. Consequenty, data on its life cycle and ecotoxicological laboratory experiments are available. The model is based on Dynamic Energy Budget theory, and lethal and sublethal effects have been implemented through toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models and by altering different metabolic pathways through physiological modes of action. To ensure transparency, we followed the model-development guidance Pop-GUIDE (Population modeling Guidance, Use, Interpretation, and Development for ecological risk assessment), an approach applicable across regulatory statutes and assessment objectives that greatly facilitates the standardization of modeling development and use in ERA. The model has been developed to integrate different life-history traits, exposure scenarios and routes, as well as environmental variables of interest. Therefore, it can be easily adapted to represent different fish species, and can be applied to estimate risks of different compounds.
We first present two case studies showing population-level effects of exposure to chlorothalonil and diazinon. Then, we show how the model could be applied to listed species by comparing the results on FHM with those of a previously published model on listed Cyprinidae. Ultimately, we show that our model could benefit ERA in two ways: (i) by simulating population-level effects for FHM that could possibly be integrated into lower-tier risk assessment; (ii) by extrapolating exposure effects to listed species populations and better guide higher-tier risk assessment.
October 22 (Tuesday) at 2:50 pm Room 201 A - Fort Worth Convention Center
Maura Roberts1, W. Martin Williams1, Ryan Heisler2, Scott D Dyer3, Todd Gouin4, Amelie Ott5, Nicola Hefner6, Eva Klingelmann7, Sascha Pawlowski8, Juliet Hodges9, Arnaud Franck Boivin10, Ahmed Tlili6 and Iain Davies11, (1)Waterborne Environmental, Inc., (2)International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety (ICCS), (3)Biology & Kinesiology, LeTourneau University, (4)TG Environmental Research, United Kingdom, (5)International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety (ICCS), New York, United States, (6) DSM- Firmenich, Switzerland, (7)Symrise AG, Germany, (8)GBP/RA, BASF SE, Germany, (9)Safety & Environmental Assurance Centre, Unilever, United Kingdom, (10)L'Oréal, France, (11) PCPC (Personal Care Products Council)
Sampling design and model selection for environmental risk assessment are guided by the relevant fate and transport processes, and ultimately, by the specific study questions pertaining to exposure. A tiered modeling framework called MERCI (Models to Evaluate direct Release of Cosmetic Ingredients into natural waters) has been proposed and tested to evaluate the potential environmental exposure of marine and freshwater organisms to ultraviolet radiation filters (UV filters) and cosmetic ingredients. The framework consists of four levels of assessment, ranging from simple, dilution-based screening assessments to complex, 3-dimensional circulation models and a toolbox to address uncertainty and specific questions that may arise during environmental risk assessment. This tiered modeling system includes an initial conservative screen of potential risk with minimal effort and information, and progressive tiers that introduce additional processes, input requirements, and complexity to improve the accuracy of predictions. Specific models are identified for each tier based on the environmental fate processes represented by that model, the governing equations and transparency of model code, input parameter requirements, the availability of model support, acquisition cost, and established acceptance by regulatory agencies. The selection of a particular model and model tier within the MERCI framework depends on the problem statement as well as data availability, and the hydrodynamics of the system being modeled. This presentation provides a roadmap for appropriate sampling and study design, where guidance is missing, and model selection within the MERCI framework, based on the desired captured processes and specific study questions pertaining to risk assessment. Our recommendations are based on model testing for three hydrodynamically different study sites, and sensitivity analyses conducted to identify the relative importance of model inputs.
October 23 (Wednesday) at 1:30 pm Room 202 CD - Fort Worth Convention Center
5.02.B.T-01 - Identification of Agricultural Best Management Practices Using Remote Sensing
Andy Jacobson1, Zechariah Stone1, Nicholas Guth1, Maura Roberts1, Sarah Terrell1 and Richard Brain2, (1)Waterborne Environmental, Inc., (2)Syngenta Crop Protection LLC
The United States (US) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a menu of runoff mitigation measures, as part of both their Endangered Species Act (ESA) workplan and their draft herbicide strategy, to protect listed species identified as potentially at risk from predicted pesticide exposures, based on the Agency’s screening-level, risk assessment approach. To evaluate the potential ramifications of the Agency’s proposed mitigation measures, an inventory of existing, agricultural best management practices (BMPs) for pesticide runoff in the contiguous US is needed. However, due to the number of funding sources available for conservation practice implementation, including federal, state, local, non-governmental organization (NGO), and private sector sources, as well as the fact that agricultural BMPs are often voluntarily adopted by growers without the support of conservation programs or funding, it is impossible to get an accurate accounting of implemented BMPs. Furthermore, federal and state reporting of BMP adoption/implementation is often limited to state-level aggregation, or county-level at best.
Therefore, due to recent improvements in satellite imagery, in both resolution and re-visit period, remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) were utilized to develop a comprehensive system for the unsupervised identification of existing, implemented agricultural BMPs. While a remote sensing approach may not be applicable to all agricultural BMPs, it can be used globally to improve future inventories by identifying both permanent (e.g., grassed waterways, terraces) and non-permanent (e.g., cover crops, conservation tillage) practices. Using existing datasets of identified BMPs and their corresponding locations, the developed system was trained, tested, and evaluated based on its accuracy for BMP identification. Ultimately, the BMP identifications resulting from this developed system may be utilized to evaluate the potential ramifications of the EPA’s proposed menu of mitigation measures, as well as to refine future pesticide risk assessments.