Cover crops: innovating the pollinator and agriculture relationship

In Field Studies, Pollinator by admin

Cover crops: innovating the pollinator and agriculture relationship

June 26, 2023 | Field Studies |

Pollinators are the hardworking backbone of the agriculture industry, impacting global markets and crop yields as they move from plant to plant. Finding ways to improve this most fundamental of relationships is an ongoing quest for experts in both industries. 

A recent event sponsored by CropLife America showcased a brilliant solution to transportation migratory honeybees ahead of the California almond growing season: cover crops. Cover crops bloom just prior to and just after almond trees, thereby providing bees trucked in from Idaho a longer season. The result is a stronger hive and healthier bees.

The cover crops provide additional environmental benefits. They are supplement orchard soil with organic matter and provide a protective top layer to lock in moisture and protect lower layers from heat effects. A win-win!

Photo by SAREP of a mix of yellow mustard, black mustard and canola are grown between rows in an orchard.